加密货币公司 Bakkt Holdings(股票代码:BKKT)宣布任命前软银高管 Akshay Naheta 为联合 CEO,并与 Naheta 创立的支付初创公司 Distributed Technologies Research(DTR)建立战略合作伙伴关系,以开拓新的收入来源。 Naheta 曾在软银投资过英伟达和 ARM 等公司,将从 3 月 21 日起正式加入 Bakkt 领导团队,与现任 CEO Andy Main 共同引领公司深入区块链...
Bakkt Holdings四季度每股亏损2.95美元。四季度运营亏损1170万元,同比下滑85%。
Bakkt has appointed Akshay Naheta as its co-CEO and is shifting some operations so the company can focus on its payments and cryptocurrency businesses. Naheta will work alongside current CEO Andy Main, who founded Distributed Technologies Research. Bakkt plans to sign a commercial agreement to combine DTR's payment technology infrastructure with the company's cryptocurrency trading and brokerage services. In addition, Bakkt said it is considering selling or closing its loyalty business unit.
Bakkt已任命 Akshay Naheta 为其联席首席执行官,并正在转移一些业务,以便公司能够专注于其支付和加密货币业务。Naheta 将与现任首席执行官Andy Main一起工作,他创立了 Distributed Technologies Research。Bakkt 计划签署一项商业协议,将 DTR 的支付技术基础设施与该公司的加密货币交易和经纪服务相结合。此外,Bakkt 表示,正在考虑出售或关闭其忠诚度业务部门。
加密交易与托管公司 Bakkt Holdings(BKKT)披露美国银行(BAC)和 Webull Pay 均不续约,股价周一盘后暴跌 35%,跌至 12.83 美元。根据协议,美国银行的合同将于 4 月 22 日终止,而 Webull 的合作将在 6 月 14 日结束。此外,Bakkt 向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)申请延期提交 2024 年年度报告。
3月10日消息,Axios报道称,一家专注于将股票交易嵌入应用程序的金融科技公司Apex Fintech,正在考虑收购Bakkt,这家加密平台最初由洲际交易所(ICE)分拆而来。 值得注意的是,这一潜在收购发生在Bakkt2022年以最高2亿美元收购Apex的加密业务两年之后。当时,该交易似乎是受拜登政府严格监管的推动。 在Axios报道发布后,Bakkt股价在早盘交易中上涨约15%,达到14.86美元,...
Trump Media Technology Group (DJT. O) and U.S. stocks rose sharply.
Cryptocurrency stocks initially rallied, with Bakkt up more than 14 percent, MARA Holdings up nearly 6 percent, and MicroStrategy and Canaan Technology up more than 3 percent.
Cryptocurrency trading platform Bakkt (BKKT.US) U.S. stocks rose more than 20.7% to $35.88 in premarket trading; the stock soared more than 162% on Monday. Trump Media Technology Group (DJT.US) fell more than 6% to $30.80 in premarket trading. On the news, according to the Financial Times, Trump's social media company is in advanced talks to acquire Bakkt. According to the data, Bakkt was founded in 2018 by Intercontinental Exchange, owner of the New York Stock Exchange, to provide technical ser...
On August 1st, Blockchain.com announced that it has partnered with Bakkt (NYSE: BKKT) to conduct cryptocurrency trading in all 50 US states. Bakkt is a regulated digital asset exchange that provides services such as custody and other infrastructure. Previously, Blockchain.com failed to provide services in eight states due to regulatory hurdles.
8月1日消息,Blockchain.com宣布,已与Bakkt(纽约证券交易所代码:BKKT )合作,在美国所有50个州开展加密货币交易。Bakkt是一家受监管的数字资产交易所,提供托管和其他基础设施等服务。此前,由于监管障碍,Blockchain.com未能在八个州提供服务。
洲际交易所(ICE)旗下的数字资产公司Bakkt宣布将利用Crossover Markets来帮助支持即将推出的加密电子通信网络(ECN)“BakktX”,以满足机构需求,该网络可为机构和专业交易者提供低于10微秒的匹配延迟、可定制和量身定制的流动性流,以及比现有加密货币经纪商和交易所低得多的交易成本。